Well, we’re not gone. I recently went for yet another surgery on my arm, which has limited my gaming related activities to reading and planning. Now though, with my arm healing up and most health protection measures lifted, we’re about to kick off a bunch of gaming and posting!
Continue reading “An Update and Plans”Category: Napoleonic
Summer Loving

Well, I have returned from leave/furlough/liberty and am back on the Island. I had ventured out east to Ontario and Quebec, where I got to spend time with family and enjoy heat of over 40s Celcius (over 104 F). I had planned to do some blogging while away, but I was often busy, and the few times I had some space there was poor internet connection (if any).
Continue reading “Summer Loving”Ready for Battle: Royal Marine Officer
Here is another figure that adds to the thin ranks of 28mm Napoleonics that we’re getting together for a future Sharp Practice campaign. We like the idea of playing along the coastline, so we’ve got some sailors and marines so we can have some landing party fun. Figure is from Wargames Foundry.
Continue reading “Ready for Battle: Royal Marine Officer”