Ready for Battle: Black Watch

Departing from the Second World War, here are Napoleonic some Black Watch soldiers painted by Lucius. The figures are all Foundry miniatures. After we get through our Arnhem campaign I think we’ll try to get some of our Napoleonic troops ready and try out a few games of Sharp Practice so expect to see these fine fellows again in the future.

The painting guide that goes with each Ready for Battle will be added shortly. I am also adding a “Ready for Battle” menu button on the site, so if you want to look just at them, it’ll be easier to do so.

Without further ado:

Project Planning – Napoleonic

My wargaming plans are not confined to WW2, not by a long shot. For my Napoleonics here was we’ve got slowly working towards fruition.

Kiss Me Hardy rules, 1:1200 scale. These rules are going to be the analogue to Wings of Glory for us. They will serve for quick games, though we would like to run a bit of naval campaign at some time in the future.

Denmark Campaign, General D’Armeé rules, 15mm. We are working on building up a fictional scenario, not long after Jena and Auerstadt. The British, worried about the developments in the area, invade Denmark. The French dispatch a corps to the north, their timeline for seizing the Danish fleet being correspondingly moved up. The Danish caught in the middle, will be holding Copenhagen (with their fleet). We are hoping to have a naval aspect with the outcome of naval battles influencing reinforcements and supplies available.

Peninsular War,General D’Armeé rules, 15mm/Sharp Practice 28mm. After the securing the Baltic, our attention will shift to the Iberian peninsula. We are hoping to do a campaign in 15mm, marked with 28mm Sharp Practice skirmishes and raids (that may involve a certain captain in the 95th rifles). Between L and I, we have a good start on collecting the 28s, but we have so very, very many 15mm to paint up that the plan for this is very much in the future.



WIP: Warrior Ships

It’s a quiet, grey Friday here on the Island, so here’s a WIP post. My Warrior ships are coming along. They do lack the detail of a Langton model, but some judicious paint has solved some of the problems. The gun carriages, for instance, aren’t distinct. I painted the whole mess red and then did some black over top to emulate the guns themselves. I also used a dark wash on the hulls, which I was nervous to do as I thought my decks may have been dark enough already. The results, however, have been pleasantly surprising. I am not only new to painting warships, I also happen to have only one fully functional arm as I wait for my next operation. Nonetheless, the results aren’t embarrassing.

After a dark wash


The picture isn’t the best, but the ships look like they’ve got some depth and are ready for some touch-ups and rigging. I did rig the British cutter (mis-ID’d in the other post as a corvette) and found that my superglue applicator has become, well, glued. Not to be deterred I found a way.

The British Cutter takes shape

Overall, I’m happy with how things are progressing. The yellow stripe on the British hull is distinct enough for identification at a distance, especially in comparison to the red French 2nd Rate. I’ll be trying to figure out how to base them over the next few days. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the first three finished ships at the end of next week.


P.S. Note that I am using (and will continue to use) BT in the traditional naval sense, and not in any of the slang usage that may be found online or downtown.