Having had a great time with Mike fighting at Villons Les Buissons, Lucius and I decided to leave the table up and refight it ourselves. Sadly we didn’t get photos of all of it, but I’ll try to tell the story through what we have. Note that if you’re reading this on email you won’t see the picture captions (not all photos do, mind). Our set-up was almost all the same as with Mike (here). The difference was that Lucius led with a recce vehicle, and my support options included a StuG. Lucius led with his recce car, and it fulfilled part of its purpose and found some of my forces. I deployed my StuG which eliminated the recce car immediately.
Continue reading “Back (B)log 4 – Refight Villons!”Category: Chain of Command

Back (B)log 3 – Teaching Chain of Command
In the fall we introduced a friend (Mike) to Chain of Command and he had a blast! We fought over Villons Les Buissons, using basically the same set-up we had used here. As Lucius and I were familiar with the terrain it made it easier to guide a new player through the game itself. As always, click the pictures to see them fully – in gallery mode they don’t always show up properly otherwise. Also – a quick edit here. It looks like the captions on the pictures don’t show up when you read this blog on email. If you’re a subscriber and want to see some more context in the future, please check out the blog post (here) via a browser.
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Back (B)log 2 – WW2 Italians for Chain of Command
In preparation for a long-awaited pseudo-Sicilian campaign (which we will be calling OP LEOPARD), I commissioned Jacquesofallgames to paint up my Perry Miniatures Italians. These are done in the grey that was primarily used by Coastal Divisions but could also be the fatigues of a regular unit.
Continue reading “Back (B)log 2 – WW2 Italians for Chain of Command”