The third game of this campaign was not played as the Para’s called in a massive naval bombardment, effectively delaying Von Luck’s Kampfgruppe. The fourth game, however, was played on the table, and ended with a close German victory!
Continue reading “Von Luck Campaign, Games 3 & 4”Month: July 2020
Fix, Fire, Flank, Finish
German units withdrawing south away from Juno Beach, passing through Villons just prior to the attack described below
Well, that certainly wasn’t as planned. At the start of the pandemic, there was disruption, to be sure. Then we got into a routine. I expected to be able to paint, play online, build terrain, and post thoughts on the blog. Work, however, had other ideas. I was assigned to lead a big planning effort, followed closely by leading a smaller, more focused review. That, thankfully is all behind us.
Continue reading “Fix, Fire, Flank, Finish”