So it’s been a bit quiet on the blogging front here. This is not due to any one thing, but life is often busy and we’ve had weddings, parties, and of course work that’s been interrupting play.
Near to home the camas is blooming on the island. Blue camas is pretty and edible. White camas is called death camas because it isn’t so much. It is pretty though, and I wander it by it in my garden and wonder if it should be there sometimes. The blue camas in the park near my place has been stunning and some of the flowers are pushing four feet high, which I’ve never seen before. The bees are busy in the meadows, which is a nice thing to see.

A bit time late, but an interesting news article about living on the island where half of the known cougar attacks have occurred. That’s right, the fire department rescued a cougar from the middle of the city. I’ve spent my share of time hiking on the island and have never had issues with bears or cougars (though I have met them). Up on the Alaska border, or in the Rockies my experience has been different, but the island is pretty tame for all of the large predators around. I think they’re more laid back here.
While not a true wilderness, I’ve been exploring more blogs that interest me, and while I follow them in my WordPress app, I haven’t added them to the blog roll until now, so if you’ve not seen some of the wargame or RPG blogs near the bottom of the list, please take a look! There will probably be more added shortly.
As it pertains to RPGs, we’ve not had much luck in getting the big group (of seven players!) together. We did have another session of Adventures in Middle Earth but I didn’t feel the need to write it up as it was nothing special. We are having another game tomorrow night but it will be smaller with only three or four players. I think that after this we may reduce the size and scope of the party and try for a realistic once a month session, rather than attempting and failing at once every two weeks.
Also in the RPG vein, Michael Prescott of Trilemma Adventures (formerly I’ll See It When I Believe it) RPG blog has a kickstarter for a book of his excellent adventures. While most of the adventures are freely available on his blog, the idea of a hardcopy text that has edited and expanded adventures is too good for me to miss. If you play fantasy RPGs, please do take a look. Michael’s adventures are very evocative and system neutral. They really tell a story and are among my favourite adventures to run.
Lucius and I will be playing Game 2 of our Arnhem Campaign on Sunday night, with the blog post to follow in the next day or so afterwards. It’s a fun campaign so far, but we’re already looking at what our next little project should be. We’ll likely be painting up some of our Cruel Seas ships and seeing how that works out.

In the Autumn we’ll be playing a Napoleonic campaign, probably set around Denmark, so we’ll also be exploring some rulesets in the next few months. I think we’ll try out Black Powder 2, General D’Armée, and for something of a different scale, Sharp Practice. If you have other suggestions for a game with around 10 battalions a side (limited by the forces we’ll have ready for play), please let me know!
Seems like you have almost as many “forthcoming” projects as I do!
Thanks for pics of Vancouver Island in bloom. I plan to be back there one day and maybe we can meet up when it happens.