Review of Terrains4Games Terrain

This is going to be the first of several reviews I’m hoping to do in the coming months. I’m not being paid or given free products so I’m not beholden to anyone when making my comments. If I do raise an issue, I will attempt to do so in a constructive manner and be pleasantly honest with what I write. So without any more preamble…

Earlier this year I ordered some terrain from Terrains4Games, a terrain manufacturer based in Poland.  I will admit to being a bit trepidatious about ordering from a company who I would potentially have problems communicating with, but I have been blown away by the quality, price, and customer service.

After navigating their site, I decided to get some MDF products, as well as some of their premium line of pre-painted/flocked terrain. The prices are very competitive, even factoring shipping over 8,000km.  Please note that if you navigate away after confirming payment your order won’t be processed. You’ll be returned to their site to confirm once again that you’re ordering from them.

The order was split in two, and apparently a little delayed (though I did not notice). As a way of apology, they sent me a handwritten card and a free 15mm Prussian Barn! That is a great way to retain customers and I really appreciate the personal touch.

Here are the two “small” factories in 15 and 28mm. The one in the foreground is their “2nd” generation MDF build. You’ll notice that there are two layers to the structure, so you can’t see any of the joins and there is more depth to the windows. Despite being called small, they are definitely not! Their prices are great, especially considering the detail in this kits. The more detailed 15mm building set me back $16 USD and the larger one $17.50 thanks to a sale at the time.

For scale, I’ve placed my unpainted Tiger and an FJ in the 28mm building. (Some day soon I’m going to finish painting my 28mm Germans…) The construction of these buildings wasn’t difficult, though I strongly recommend dry fitting any of the parts.

Here is the 15mm Prussian barn and a 28mm house with one of the “burned village set.” These paint up well enough. I haven’t applied any weathering, but they look pretty good. The 28mm house does have a detachable roof. The wood framing is separate layer, which makes it easy to paint and then attach to the model. The 28mm house appears to have a small issue with the framing, and I had to cut and move one small piece of wood to fit the door. It was simple work with a hobby knife and some PVA glue and overall didn’t detract from the kit as it added only 2 or 3 minutes to fix.

Here is a field, a hill “Natural Hill II Rocksy”, and a portion of the 60″ of stream I purchased. The hill is not overly steep, and has two distinct levels as you can see here. The side facing the camera is the steeper slope, but is still manageable with figures on larger bases. These are all in their premium line so are more expensive, but not overly so. The field was $2 USD and the hill was $13 USD. Again, there were sales on, but the prices are excellent. The stream did warp a little in transport, but it is hardly noticeable and I’m looking for wargaming terrain, not a modelling diorama.

Here is one of their pre-painted/flocked ruined buildings. I have several of them and do not regret having them around. The detail is great. When considering buying pre-painted or not, I had to think about what my time was worth. Being a busy individual with the ever-growing lead pile and project list I figured that springing some extra money to get my terrain finished was a good decision. Also – not a back-lit photo! I figured this out once I had packed away all the earlier products. Live and learn.

Their large tree base is pretty interesting and very flexible. The trees come with detachable bases (and one objective marker). These bases look great without the trees and the brush-style conifers look good on a gaming table but may not satisfy a model-railroad junky. I like the flexibility this piece gives me and I’ve used in my recent forays on the table.

Overall, I am very happy with these products. There are very few issues, and these are all so minor as to be practically non-existent. The resin pre-painted pieces are fantastic, and the MDF buildings are, in my opinion, better than what you will get from Sarissa Precision and equal to Warbases. If any of you are looking for flexible, quality, well-priced wargame terrain, check them out!

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