Books That Have Made An Impact

Keeping up with the tradition of bloggers sharing some of the books that they  have enjoyed or have given  the seed of an idea, I figured that I should put up my own list. I know that some call it “Appendix N” in homage to the old DMG and I’ve tagged it as such, but there are no overarching themes of what I see is as proper. As a husband of a teacher, and a parent, there are a lot of young adult books here too. Before you turn your nose up at them, give them a try. They are often well written, concise (George R.R. Martin and Robert Jordan could’ve learned a lot from them), and have an interesting and sometimes challenging premise. So, without further ado here are some fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction books:

Joe Abercrombie, The First Law Trilogy
Isaac Asimov, Foundation Series
Paolo Bacigalupi, The Windup Girl
Paolo Bacigalupi, Shipbreaker series
Libba Bray, The Diviners
Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game
Orson Scott Card, Pathfinder
Glen Cook, The Chronicles of the Black Company
Susan Cooper, The Dark is Rising series
Bernard Cornwell, anything of his but especially Sharpe
Charles de Lint, various – he has many books with great gems in them
Cory Doctorow, Big Brother
C.S. Forester, Hornblower series
C.S. Forester, The Gun
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology
Paulene Gedge, The Eagle and the Raven
Paulene Gedge, Twice Born series
Hugh Howley, Wool
Conn Iggluden, Conqueror series
Conn Iggluden, Emperor series
Conn Iggluden, War of the Roses
Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time series (though I will admit that I gave up part way through. The first books are great though)
Guy Gavriel Kay, Last Light of the Sun
Guy Gavriel Kay, The Sarantine Mosaic
Guy Gavriel Kay, Under Heaven (and its companion River of Stars)
Guy Gavriel Kay, Lions of Al-Rassan
Guy Gavriel Kay, Tigana
Peg Kerr, Emerald House Rising
C.S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia
C.S. Lewis, The Dark Tower and other stories (yes, he wrote a story called the dark tower, and you should read it!)
Brian McClellan, The Crimson Campaign series
Patrick Ness,  Chaos Walking series
Garth Nix, Sabriel series
Naomi Novik, Temeraire series
Naomi Novik, Uprooted
Patrick O’Brien, (take your pick)
Kenneth Opel, Airborn Series
David Petersen, Mouse Guard series
Douglas Reeman, all of his naval stories
Derek Robinson, Goshawk Squadron
Derek Robinson, Piece of Cake
Patrick Rothfuss, The KingKiller Chronicles
S. Thomas Russel, Under Enemy Colours  series
Simon Scarrow, The Eagle Series
Simon Scarrow, Sword and Scimitar
Simon Scarrow, Wellington and Napoleon series
Michael Sullivan, Age of Myth
J.R.R. Tolkien, all of it
Catherynne Valente, Fairyland series
Scott Westerfield, The Uglies series
Django Wexler, The Thousand Names
Jack Whyte, A Dream of Eagles Series
Tad Williams, Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series

What are your favourite books?

3 thoughts on “Books That Have Made An Impact

    1. Nope – I haven’t read past the first book. While I will attempt his books again, they didn’t strike me the first time around. Maybe now that I’m older and wiser it’ll be a different story.

      1. Tor'Gul

        They went a little off for me too, but what I loved about them is that it’s Erikson’s gamer buddies, and their world. Probably embellished some, but it reminds me of the worlds in which TorGul will be resurrected one day… 😉

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