So, as I mentioned earlier, I’ve been having work done on my left wrist. Sadly this isn’t what it looks like:
One day I’ll get one like this. For now it is bone anchors and stitches.
Suffice it to say, 5 days post-op I felt good enough to not just press “publish” on posts prepped earlier, but to actually try my hand (ha!) at another game of What A Tanker! using our house rules.
Well, despite the business of work, Lucius and I managed to get two quick battles using our modified What a Tanker! rules (house rules here).
My Soviets watched in envy as we chose to have Brits vs Germans. I played the Allies, fielding 2 Sherman Fireflies and 1 Sherman, while Lucius fielded a Panther Ausf A and a Tiger 1. I didn’t have anything with good armour, but the extra vehicle I thought would help.
The table in late afternoon Sun.
We played angles – going from one corner to another. My tanks seem to have problems getting into gear as they barely moved.
My tanks circled in blue with their initiative dice nearby. The Germans start on the other corner A turn later and they haven’t moved much
Meanwhile, the big cats ranged fast across the table. The Tiger took up position by the manor house, as the Panther started to get into position to push up the long exposed flank.
My tanks moved up. My plan was to keep my Fireflies together and take out the Panther. The tank in the middle could also try for the Tiger if it moved forward too far. My little Sherman was going to hold down my right and take pot shots.
Firefly passing some transport
The problem was that the Panther was a fast tank, and my Fireflies weren’t fast enough.
Panther with the woods it would drive around in the background
My little Sherman faced down the Tiger down the road and got a shot off at it. It bounced off (2 hits vs 6 armour saves) and my Sherman jockeyed out of the beast’s line of sight.
The Panther roared around the woods and got behind my left flank.
Not what I had envisioned
I brought my Sherman back into the road to distract the Tiger, and Lucius seemed content to move his Panther. He won the initiative as well. Not good.
He raced to get around the farmhouse but ran out of movement. One of my Fireflies followed it around and the other took it out in one shot.
The other Firefly moved up to help out with the Tiger while the Sherman finally realised it wasn’t helping firing at the glacis of a heavy tank with a pop gun so raced up the road on the right.
The Firefly in position fired but didn’t damage the Tiger and the big German tank replied, brewing up the Firefly.
The game is a little less certain now
My remaining Firefly was a bit more wary and worked to get around the Tiger. The little Sherman on the road raced up as the Tiger backed up to make it harder for me to get a rear shot and hit the Firefly, damaging my optics with a poorly rolled strike. My tank did what it needed to though and at close range ended the Tiger.
Game over
Lessons learned from that fight:
Lighter tanks can help hold down a flank, but they are far more useful if they can help to force a heavier tank to maneouver. I should have moved my little Sherman up far sooner as it was pretty much useless firing at the front of a Tiger.
Keeping a solid line of fire and getting around the flanks can work, but it can also leave you isolated. The Tiger would have been a far bigger threat if it had advanced with the Panther.
The second battle was fast and deadly (to me). We switched up the corners and charged in. The Tiger found a great place to control a large swath of terrain as the fast Panther once again raced up the flank. I wanted to hold a defensive with 1 Firefly as the other 2 tanks worked around the side. The lone Firefly with 9 strike rating would give me far more than a Sherman with 6. The Sherman initially was going to head up to support on the left but changed to race ahead on the right.
Firefly and Sherman head up the middle before the Tiger claimed a great position making the ground on the far side of the brown barn a kill zone. Why that Firefly is in the woods I just don’t know.
Meanwhile, my Sherman forgot that the Tiger could move a little and shoot it. So it got destroyed
Tiger and Panther have claimed the centre of the table. My Sherman is pretty exposed as it races up but runs out of movement. View from the other side. My Sherman is now burning and that Panther is ready to hunt
The Panther raced through some walls and got to the side of my Firefly before I could do much.
Wait! Tanks can do that! I foolishly forgot how mobile these machines are.
It proceeded into the farm yard and took aim at my Firefly on that flank. I rolled my activation poorly and with only 1 action I turned to face the Panther. No matter, a 9 strike gun vs an armour of 6 and that tank was gone.
In the final turn my remaining Firefly had jockeyed out to hit the Tiger, but didn’t do much and withdrew. The Tiger followed and then it was game over.
Overall, two good, fun and quick games. It was nice to get back into the rules again, and our house rules held up. We’re both slowly getting some early war tanks ready for the Germans, Brits, and Soviets so we can run a little campaign in the Spring or Summer. In the meantime, we’ll still throw some armour on the table to have some fun shooting things up!
Like most gamers, I often tinker with rule sets. I’ve played around with various RPGs and Wargames. I’ll be using the House Rules category to share the modifications that I’ve come up with. If I have adopted a rule from another blogger, I’ll link back to them.
If you have comments on these rules, or have suggestions, please comment or email.
Here is the first of the house rules I’m putting up:
SPQVI’s Modifications for What a Tanker! version 1.0
Note: for those reading this blog on email, the pictures are a little large. It may be easier to see this on the site itself: Croup
So it is well and truly the wet season on the island. A week of fog broken by endless rain. Some clearing in strong winds. Repeat.
7am in my neighbourhood, no murderers lurking but lots of foghorns going in the distance
The trees are turning and the temperature slowly cooling. My hobby room is poorly insulated, and though it has an electric heater, has been less welcoming. This has been compounded by the croup. Parenting isn’t something I mention much on this blog as I intend to keep the media presence of my family as low as possible until everyone is of age to make their own (responsible) choices. So you won’t see photos or hear much about the clan. Bellyaching, however, is fair game.
Misery loves company, and let me tell you, croup is misery. For those who haven’t experienced it, croup is an upper respiratory tract infection that in kids causes coughing attacks. It is worse at night and well, the coughing can be brutal as it is continuous and impairs getting oxygen into little bodies. As a parent, this means little sleep and much stress. I haven’t been able to do much game-related in a week of sickness. It seems as if we have turned a corner so there should be more posting shortly. Next up will be another RPG play report followed by some AARs.
I shall leave you with week-old pictures of a WAT action that Lucius and I played. The first few fights were Soviets vs Germans. Then we switched up and did Brits vs the same King Tiger and Panther combo. Note: A King Tiger and Panther vs 3 Achillies is a really fast, fun match, though Lucius may disagree. He had recently painted up the King Tiger and I don’t think it lasted longer than 3 rounds in any of the 4 games we played. After the first match my fingers failed and I have sadly no good pictures. So enjoy the first fatal outing of the King Tiger below:
The first battle – 2 x T34/85s, and lend lease Sherman vs a King Tiger and Panther
The battlefield (same as last week). Once again the Cigar Box Battle Mat looks more brown and grey than in real life. The tank tracks from the previous battles show up quite well. Lucius is grabbing dice that will fail him utterly. I liked those dice that day.
Lend-lease Sherman moving up
King Tiger from a T34. That is a big beast…
The lead T34/85 opens fire at the big German tank
And a second T34/85 joins in and ends it, firing past the Biergarten
The end of an unlucky cat
T34/85 tries to surprise the Panther. Great positioning but I had forgotten that the main gun was unloaded. The cat got away and…
Blew up my Sherman, which burns as the Panther races to a better position. My T34/85s are in the distance. One is behind the house line in the top of the picture
Checking sight lines – you can see the laser from the Panther trying to get a bead on one of my tanks
The end for the Panther. A great fun, and fast game using our house rules for WAT.