Here, as promised, is a photo dump from a variety of Wargames over the past few months.
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Here, as promised, is a photo dump from a variety of Wargames over the past few months.
Continue reading “Back (B)Log: Wargaming Photo Dump”Well, over 20 years in uniform I have released from the Canadian Armed Forces. I originally joined to serve my country, gain life experience, and have an adventure. I’m pleased to say that I met all three goals and thoroughly enjoyed my time in uniform.
That said, life’s twists and turns can be unexpected. I did not forsee the adventures I was to have, nor the injury that ended my first career. My left arm is not quite up to snuff so it is on to new adventures and a different part of this journey.
I am pleased to report that I am going back to school and have started work as a civilian. I’m feeling like I have my feet under me again so will be posting a back-(b)log of posts from the past several months as I have been gaming, just not posting. To correct that I will be establishing a routine for posting or at least reviewing/approving comments.
All in all, exciting times! I’ve got newly painted Italians who performed well in battle until they didn’t as well as other games to write about.
More soon!
A little while ago I wrote a post promising an overview of the early war Caesar’s Camp campaign we’ve been working towards followed by more thoughts on our Isola Pisily project. All we had left to do for the former was finish painting the Germans and get some terrain done.
Sadly, Lucius decided to be hit by a car while out riding his bike. He is okay, but his collarbone (and bike) are broken. He was also concussed and had some spectacular bruising all over. Luckily, he’s on the mend and in good spirits. Honestly, he was quite fortunate as it could have been much worse.
As Lucius has been getting better my arm has been getting worse. The surgery in June did relieve some pain but the earlier tendon repair seemed to have failed over the summer and my hand function was getting worse as the nerve pain increased (it even hurt to hold Playdough). Luckily I got a call that there was availability and managed to get in for surgery number 6(!) sooner than expected to repair the tendon and work on my nerves. I am now recovering but the surgeon has said I may need yet another go to finish things off. I hope not and that this one will be the last.
This, coupled with some other gaming friends heading to sea, has resulted in a significant lack of gaming-related activity. We’ve thought about it and are thinking of playing some hex and counter wargames while we both heal up. We should be able to play one-handed easily enough.
So there we have it folks – promises of new posts may have been broken, but so were we!
More to follow in the coming weeks – maybe some Holland ’44, Wooden Ships and Iron Men, or the old Avalon Hill Stalingrad.
That time of year again! I just got back from an extended vacation to find that the 2021 Great Wargaming Survey is on the streets. Here is the link: The 2021 Great Wargaming Survey.
The WSS Survey Blog (here) has the past survey results which are interesting.