Here, as promised, is a photo dump from a variety of Wargames over the past few months.
First off, Chain of Command with an American attack on a prepared German position. The Americans ended up losing this battle as I relied on the Sherman too much. I didn’t provide enough protection with my infantry and spread my forces too thinly to react and while the US had a lot of firepower down on their opponents, I ultimately withdrew.

The second is an Italian advance on a British position. The Italians were unable to dislodge the Brits, largely due to the fewer dice available. With lots of support available, Italian armour was able to move up and engage. The lack of dice and poor rolls made it very hard to coordinate any action. The British AT gun fired a lot missed a lot. The British troops went on an offensive, but the supporting armour was able to get into action and do a lot of damage. I can’t recall who won, but it was a fun game.

Third off is a picture from an Alpha Strike game. While I’ve played some traditional BattleTech. It’s fun but moves quite slowly. Alpha Strike is fast and very fun. I’ve now got several games under my belt playing with my friend’s miniatures. I backed a Kickstarter (still pending delivery) to build up my own forces. Yes, this adds to the lead (plastic/resin) pile, but Alpha Strike doesn’t need many models and the terrain is easy. It’s a low-effort, fast-paced, fun game. Expect to see more mechs in the future.

Finally, two pictures from wargames with my eldest child. We use their Schleich toys and very basic rules. It’s great fun. I don’t mention my family much by design, so there will be few photos and intentionally vague language. So why are these photos up? I wanted to show that people under 10 are interested in wargaming and rolling dice! The future of the hobby could be quite bright!

Wonderful photos – it is great to see you blogging again.