As I’ve been rather busy throughout the pandemic and the lead pile wasn’t getting any smaller, I decided to enlist the aid of someone to help paint up my armies.
About a year ago I had received the kind gift of dozens of Americans. I had purchased a few additional supports but then the project halted and they languished.
In February, I happily met a local fellow who is getting into the business of painting miniatures. I have been really blown away by the quality, price, and speed of his service. He has a video tutorial that shows how he was working on the GIs for those interested in speed painting. He’s on Facebook and Instagram @jacquesofallgames and is setting up his website for those interested. When it’s up, I’ll edit this post to point to it. So without further ado, here is my American infantry force for Chain of Command.
The core platoon is made up of 3 squads, each with a BAR team and a rifle team. Here are the squads:
1st Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 1st Squad BAR team and Junior Leader 1st Squad Rifle Team 1st Squad Rifle Team 2nd Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 2nd Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 2nd Squad Rifle Team 3rd Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 3rd Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 3rd Squad Rifle Team 3rd Squad Rifle Team
The Platoon HQ consists of a Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant and Bazooka Team.
Some support options. I had the support based separately where possible so I could track casualties:
.50 CAL HMG 57mm AT gun Additional Bazookas Flamethrower and spare SMGs M1919s and crew Mortar Team Another Mortar Team Medic, FOO, and Officer More BARs for fun
I also had sufficient additional troops (most armed with carbines though, so maybe tanker or rear area troops) to create two additional squads that I can use as needed on the battlefield.
4 Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 4 Squad Rifle Team 4 Squad Rifle Team 5 Squad BAR Team and Junior Leader 5 Squad Rifle Team 5 Squad Rifle Team
All in all it’s a pretty big force and I’m hoping to use it the Pint-Size Campaign called “29 Let’s Go!” in the spring.
That’s a mighty fine collection!
Thanks Ian! I’m excited to get then on the table as soon as we’re allowed.