Well, it’s been far too long! There are many reasons (work, family, pandemic) but rest assured that I’m alive and well. Work is finally slowing down a bit after a pretty hectic few months and that’s providing time to plan and play a bit.
On the RPG side I’ve been playing in a few games online (Legend of the Five Rings, Pathfinder and 5e), which has been nice. There’s also good news from the east, in contrast to my earlier post. The 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG has been taken on by a new publisher and there is a kickstarter that a few of us have backed. It’s in the final hours but worth a look.
No tabletop wargames, though several fun games on the computer which lately has seen Lucius and I team up to fight a few battles. We’ve also been preparing forces for Chain of Command. My 28mm WW2 Americans are being painted on commission and will be shown off here soon. I’ve been getting some 15mm terrain ready as Lucius paints up our Early War forces. It really is quite amazing how many more you can get on a table! They’re also much less expensive as we get supports prepped are and we’re getting close to be table-top ready. As soon as the local restrictions allow we’ll start to get these forces their baptism of simulated fire and look at campaigns.

I’ve now got some materials for the rebasing of my 25mm Napoleonics and as I learn to slow down a little at work I’ll begin the process of getting those troops ready as well.
All that to say more to follow in the coming weeks!
Awesome to see your radio silence has just been temporary.
Welcome back! You’ll have to give us a close up when you have finished with those minis.
Those 15mm can also be used for O Group.
The bulk of my WW2 forces are in 6mm (Americans and Germans) so they will definitely be for O Group. But of course I also have my company strength Russians and Germans in 28mm. Naturally, I also have 15mm that I plan to paint. The rational part of me notes that it is lunacy to have troops for the same war in 3 completely different scales, but I can’t help myself.
Good to see you back. Look forward to updates. UB