Well, it’s been busy here. First we had 77 days of continuous precipitation that resulted in some flooding among family members. Then some really busy times at work, and now COVID. Lovely.
That said, there’s still been some gaming, sadly not on the wargame table. We’ve played some Adventures in Middle Earth, which was good fun, as well as a table-top game called Tainted Grail, which invariably makes me think of the song Tainted Love. It’s a great game that has a bunch of second-rate heroes trying to save Avalon after it seems like the land is turning on the human inhabitants. It’s got a wonderfully dark feel and the art is spectacular. It’s a campaign exploration game that is cooperative in nature and I’m looking forward to playing more of it.
The island has bloomed fully into spring and while there is snow on the mountains, the rest of the island is looking good.
This was in January just after the snows left Mid-island in March
With some isolation we’re working on some different projects. Nate and I are going to get some figures painted for Test of Honour, and Lucius is busy painting up a whole bunch of figures. Some USAB, 1:200 aircraft (Blood Red Skies with badly warped wings needing hot water), and some DAK. I believe that 8th Army is hiding behind his paint table.
I’m slowly working on terrain and then I’ll add some reinforcements for the FJs and work on my German Grenadier Platoon.
We’re also looking at trying out the Table Top Simulator (available online in Steam). There is a Chain of Command mod for it and it means we may be able to game remotely, which will be fun – if the learning curve isn’t too steep!
There you have it. I hope that you’re all as well as can be given the situation. There should be more posts to distract in the near future!
Hey, if any one wants to have a go at remote WAT, I’m game to try.
I figure WAT would be easiest because there’s less things to move around.
That would be much easier to learn! Is there a mod already or do you think that using the Chain of Command one will work?
I don’t know but there is a lot of similarity in rules. I was thinking more like set up a web cam and film the board.
We could certainly try! How can I best contact you?