Or in other words, I’m actually doing some gaming related things. Really!

Parenting an additional child has been fun. No really! Sure, there’s a lack of sleep, and yes, I’m sure my newest is bound to be a general or flag officer as they’ve pooped on me enough; but really, it’s been good. Life has of course not stopped. There have been some health scares in the family (that have thankfully been resolved with everyone home and relatively healthy), and around home our tenants have moved out from our basement suite.
While the income from the suite was nice, having the extra space is lovely. I’ve moved my gaming stuff from our office area and taken over the living area of the suite. The kitchen is now a craft/modelling area, and I’ve managed to set up a 5′ x 7.5′ table.

I think that the table is a bit big for most of the games we play, especially RPGs, so I’m going to keep the boards to lay over a proper 6′ x 4′ table.
A few friends came over the other weekend to play some old school D&D (well, actually Swords and Wizardry that I heavily modified). It was a farewell session for Tam, who is moving her family up-island for greener pastures. It was a good game, and it reminded me about why I was drawn to the OSR in the first place. Very much more about rulings than rules, and the lack of defined skills allowed the players much more freedom of action. It was a fun game, set back in our old campaign setting and it’s got my interest piqued for some more world building.
On the wargame front, I’ve been slowly organizing my lead/plastic/resin pile and terrain. I have applied some decals to vehicles sorely needing them, and as you saw above, been moving my Marder towards completion. I have also asked my friends to do some 3d printing of some files I purchased, and have just finished priming and base coating some terrain for our next game of the Kampgruppe Von Luck campaign. I’m not going to detail the buildings overly much yet, as I’m going to accept some mediocrity in the interest of rolling dice.

Lucius and I also played a game of Wings of Glory that ended with his Spits climbing into a collision with the Stuka I was trying to escort. Unorthodox, perhaps, (and unintended) but it worked, and my Stuka went down in flames and his Spits limped home victorious.

Even though I’ve not done any posting, the hobby continues here, though slowly.
Today I’m going to start setting up our next game so you should see more regular posting (I promise, yet again).