Today we finally had what should be our last game of Chain of Command prior to our Arnhem campaign. It was to be a fun, fast game where both Lucius and I could test out forces that were a bit different to us. This will be a quick and dirty AAR so I can get back to getting terrain ready!
Continue reading “Chain of Command AAR: Para Test”Month: April 2019
Ready for Battle: British Airborne
My British Airborne platoon is finally completed and ready to jump into battle for our Arnhem campaign. The platoon follows the standard CoC list from the main rule book and is made up of 37 Paras in an HQ section and three rifle sections.
You can click on any of the photos for a better look. As always, comments are welcome!
Continue reading “Ready for Battle: British Airborne”
Ready for Battle: Italeri 1/56 Cromwell
Here’s another support option ready for the table top. Italeri’s 1/56 scale Cromwell is done in the markings of A squadron, 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment.

Ready for Battle: Warlord AVRE
Done in the colours of Charlie 1, 5 ARRE, 79th Armoured Division, who landed on Juno beach on the morning of June 6. This tank sits out in front of the Juno Beach Centre.