Here is the second set of rules modifications. These follow on my rant about the rules, found here.
As always, comments and questions are welcomed!
Here is the second set of rules modifications. These follow on my rant about the rules, found here.
As always, comments and questions are welcomed!
Enjoyed your house rules for Cruel Seas. From your experience, should a spotlight illuminate a target for one gun or should all the guns on the ship using the spotlight gain some benefit?
Thanks Andy. The spotlight should illuminate the target for everyone in line of sight. That said, there is no dice roll benefit, as it merely means the target is now visible. I’m going to be playtesting these house rules more in the coming weeks. If you have any comments on how they play/read please let me know!!!
Monsieur! Having just played my first few games tonight, your thoughts on torpedo aspects against the stern or bow of a vessel vs. the side of a vessel (default). I’m think one class smaller (and therefore the respective modifier also)?
Would that be for targeting for single torpedoes? It used to be the standard torpedo counter-measure was to turn towards the torpedo to present a smaller target, and in the hopes that the bow-wave would push the torpedo aside (a really big hope there). I think your suggestion of one size smaller makes sense. It is easy and probably not unbalancing (I don’t have my rulebook to hand). Please let me know how it works out!
All about torpedo…
1. Re torpedo not armed:
The rules says “torpedo must travel a minimum of 15 cm before they get armed and able to explode.”
Other rulesets use 20, 30 or 40 cm.
Q: Which makes sense, is more realistic with regard to the game scale 1/300?
2. Re torpedo armed:
In Cruel seas, torpedo moves after its vessel is activated
In other rulesets, torpedo move after all vessels moved.
Q: So what do you porpose in which phase an armed torpedo should be moved?
Q: And in which turn – in the same turn when launched, or in the next turn?
Would appreciate very much in receiving your comment.