Sometimes the world works in perfect ways. There I was, having just completed the Stuart the night before, but was now wandering lost with no new builds on the horizon. Like a sad puppy, I returned home at lunch to a package on my door step. With a serendipitous and timely resup from Meeplemart I cracked open the box and had two new models to build.
Continue reading “Ready for Battle / Warlord Humber Scout Car Review”Month: March 2019
Ready For Battle / Rubicon Stuart Review

This weekend I received my M5A1 Stuart / M5A1 Recce, along with some other goodies, from Rubicon Models and quickly set about building it. Let me tell you, I will definitely be ordering from them again!
Continue reading “Ready For Battle / Rubicon Stuart Review”Finds
Well, they are miniatures. They are about battle (in the future). But they have magnets! And they are awesome! No dice rolling needed as the good obviously will beat the bad. I am talking about STARCOM.

Review of EXIT: The Game
Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with the makers and distributers of EXIT: The Board Game. I have not been paid by them or been given any free product.
Several of the gaming group are moving houses and I have just gotten the dressings off after surgery so this month has been light on the gaming (and posting). Despite that we managed to get some people and play EXIT: The escape room boardgame. This the third EXIT game I’ve played, and the second that one of the players had seen. Despite that relative inexperience, everyone really enjoyed themselves. I’m sharing a quick review here on the blog so that my gentle readers can get a sense of a game that I really enjoy and that I was unaware of until recently.
Continue reading “Review of EXIT: The Game”