Well, as WordPress released a pretty significant change to the software that puts this blog up, I’ve started to look more and more at settings. While investigating I found that those using the WordPress App saw this site as “empty”, probably due to the lack of official title on the home page. That has been fixed.
Sharing buttons have finally shown up as I want them, and there is now also a functional option for liking a post (if you click on the post itself first).
While I was thinking of changing the format of the blog earlier, I’ve decided to simply change up the buttons for the major categories on the site. I have learned a fair bit about blogging over the past several months, and clearly still have some way to go to become fully proficient. Expect a possible theme/look change in the coming months. If you have constructive feedback, suggestions, or requests please let me know.
I am slowly working on a references/resources page for historical wargaming with the view to having the major conflicts divided into land/sea (and where applicable air) with some works that I (or others) have found to shed some good light into that particular part of the conflict. Again, a work in progress, and the first post of this page will be coming around the New Year.
Here’s a preview of what I’ll be posting about next: a quick and rough build of a terrain piece for Middle Earth: