So the Warrior ships are coming along. I’ve finished stepping the masts and hoisting the sails. I’ve also put them on their basic bases. I will be trying to use some PVA-soaked black thread for rigging and then I’ll do some touch-ups and finish the bases. Having spent far too much time at sea, I think that the emphasis on some of the details in the sails in certain painted models is a bit much. I don’t mean to suggest that it is “BADWRONGFUN” but that from a mariners perspective, you only get hints of detail on sails until you’re close. I considered highlighting or washing some of the detail present on the sails before I thought of that; which not only makes me feel salty, it also saves me work! So here they are awaiting their standing rigging etc:

I’m happy with how they are turning out and am looking forward to getting to the rest of the ships once I’ve finished my Fallschirmjagers.
Speaking of which, I sprayed the base-coat on some of my FJ supports this afternoon.

Things are moving along, which is great. I’ve sidelined all of my medieval and fantasy miniatures and I’m going to make a concerted effort to get my FJs done in time for the Arnhem campaign. So I’m going to get the vehicles done, turn to the troops, and then work on bashing out some more terrain. We don’t have a firm date for what “in time for the Arnhem campaign” means, but we want it to be before August. There is much to be done.