It’s a quiet, grey Friday here on the Island, so here’s a WIP post. My Warrior ships are coming along. They do lack the detail of a Langton model, but some judicious paint has solved some of the problems. The gun carriages, for instance, aren’t distinct. I painted the whole mess red and then did some black over top to emulate the guns themselves. I also used a dark wash on the hulls, which I was nervous to do as I thought my decks may have been dark enough already. The results, however, have been pleasantly surprising. I am not only new to painting warships, I also happen to have only one fully functional arm as I wait for my next operation. Nonetheless, the results aren’t embarrassing.

The picture isn’t the best, but the ships look like they’ve got some depth and are ready for some touch-ups and rigging. I did rig the British cutter (mis-ID’d in the other post as a corvette) and found that my superglue applicator has become, well, glued. Not to be deterred I found a way.

Overall, I’m happy with how things are progressing. The yellow stripe on the British hull is distinct enough for identification at a distance, especially in comparison to the red French 2nd Rate. I’ll be trying to figure out how to base them over the next few days. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the first three finished ships at the end of next week.
P.S. Note that I am using (and will continue to use) BT in the traditional naval sense, and not in any of the slang usage that may be found online or downtown.