As with many, I have a list of projects that seems to grow just as fast as the lead/plastic pile. Here are the WW2 projects and games I’m (slowly) working towards.
Arnhem Chain of Command campaign in 28mm. I’m taking some FJs, and L has his British Airborne. We want to use some of our armoured toys, so we’re not playing a purely historical game. It’ll be our first Chain of Command campaign after fighting a few battles to learn the system and I’m looking forward to it.
Dunkirk/Calais Chain of Command campaign in 15mm. I’ve built up a BEF platoon and some German forces for a fight around Calais and Dunkirk. I have more terrain in 15mm, and I think that it will be interesting to play in 15mm scale on my table (6′ x 4′) as there will be so much more room for manoeuver.
Wings of Glory. Not really a campaign. I’ve got Spits, Hurricanes, Stukas and 109s. I anticipate a lot of pick up games and intercept missions. So far, I’ve found these rules to be fun and quickly playing.
What a Tanker, 15mm. These rules seem fun, so this is on the list. We’ll probably start with a few one-off games and then roll this in to some sort of ongoing fight through the various war machines in the war.
Operation Herkules – Malta, I Ain’t Been Chain of Command’ Yet Mum, 15mm. Pat over at Wargaming with Silver Whistle, has mashed together IABSM and CoC with some great results here. I have done some reading into Operation Herkules, and I really want to run a campaign game of the operation using those rules with an invasion in June 1942. German FJ and Italian forces fighting British troops for control of the island’s airbases before the RN can come and spoil the fun. I’m envisioning multiple tables and players, with superior commanders who can prioritize and release limited reserves onto those tables every so often. The Air Component Commander (ACC) can fight out air support battles, which adds another level of uncertainty to the game. Regardless, I’ve started to collect some of the required forces (captured Russian T-34s, KV-1/2s alongside Pz IVs: so much fun!) so expect to see a detailed post on Operation Herkules in the near future as I try to sort out exactly what I want!
Sealion, I Ain’t Been Chain of Command’ Yet Mum, 15mm. Carrying on in the same vein as Malta, I have a dream of doing Sealion in about two years. This would be a large campaign with multiple companies in action at the same time with real-time decisions being made by commanders one or two levels up about where to focus their effort. Air battles. BUF attacking behind British lines. British resistance forces attacking German supply dumps. All the good stuff. How will this work? I’m hoping to do a bunch of battles locally, but ideally other gamers around the world could get in on the action and report their status back to the umpires. Heck, this could even go on for months with skirmish battles during the week and major actions on the weekend. Anyway, a dream that I’ll keep slowly planning towards and posting on as time marches on.
Later I’ll post my project list for Napoleonic and Fantasy gaming.